Tools and open datasets to support OSS.
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24 Pull Requests
Giving back to open source for the holidays.
Manifest Podcast
A podcast all about package management.
The Rack Based AB testing framework
The Open source Discovery Service.
Node.js bindings to libsass
First Pull Request
What was your first pull request?
Homebrew Bundle
Bundler for non-ruby dependencies from homebrewRecent Posts
From ZeroVer to SemVer: A Comprehensive List of Versioning Schemes in Open Source
- 2023 End of Year Update
Making 24 Pull Requests more inclusive for 2018
Untangle your GitHub Notifications with Octobox
What does a sustainable open source project look like?
Exploring Unseen Open Source Infrastructure
Bath Ruby Conference 2016
The biggest Ruby confernce in the UK
Bath Ruby Conference 2015
The biggest Ruby confernce in the UK
Bath Ruby User Group
Informal monthly meetups for Rubyists in and around Bath
The Great British Node Conference
A single day, community focused, Node.js conference in London
The London Node.js User Group
Bringing flying robot hackdays to the UK
Helping teach women programming and rails around the UK
Can my friends come too?
Presented at Brighton Ruby in 2017
Elasticsearch on Rails
Presented at South-West Elastic Community Meetup in 2015
Robotics 101
Presented at Hackference in 2014
Learning how to Tinker
Presented at HybridConf in 2014
The Rise of JavaScript Hardware Hacking
Presented at jQuery UK in 2014
JavaScript in the Real World
Presented at Full Frontal in 2013
The Future of Nodecopter
Presented at LXJS in 2013
Turbo Charging your workflow with Node.js
Presented at Webshaped in 2013
The Meetup Organisers Field Guide
Presented at Bristol IT Mega Meet in 2013
Node.js + Quadcopters, what could go wrong?
Presented at Cheltenham Geek Nights in 2013
An introduction to RubyMotion
Presented at the London, Bristol and Cardiff Ruby User Groups about Rubymotion in 2013
Integrating Node.js into an existing stack
Presented at the Italian Node.js Conference in 2012
Event Machine vs Node.js
Presented at Ruby Manor in 2011
A/B Testing everything with Split
Presented at Arrrrcamp in 2011
Can my friends come too?
Presented at Brighton Ruby in 2017
The Rise of JavaScript Hardware Hacking
Presented at jQuery UK in 2014
JavaScript in the Real World
Recorded at Full Frontal in 2013
The Future of Nodecopter
Recorded at LXJS in 2013
Recorded at Over the Air in 2013
Turbo Charging your workflow with Node.js
Recorded at Webshaped in 2013
An introduction to Rubymotion: Writing iOS apps with Ruby
Recorded at London Ruby User Group in 2012
Integrating Node.js into your existing technology stack.
Recorded at London Node User Group in 2012
Using Node.js and Ruby on Rails for uber productivity
Recorded at London Node User Group in 2012
Form Analytics With inForm
Recorded at HN London in 2011
Event Machine vs Node.js
Recorded at Ruby Manor in 2011
A/B Testing everything with Split
Recorded at Arrrrcamp in 2011